Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Where is the Justice?

You are at a job. You will probably be there for six hours (or more). Your only source of food is the kind they choose to order. You realize that clients love ordering cheap, convenient grub. This only leaves three possible options;

1) McDonald's
2)Pizza Hut
3) KFC
4) MSG packed, oil slicked, fried Chinese concoction one finds hard to call food.

You have already been scrutinized for your weight countless times. Your agency gets mad at you for eating food like such. So you don't eat the food the client has offered. You order a coffee, black please, no sugar. Then the client undoubtedly thinks you are just another anorexic model. You are now hungry and frustrated until you get home, have a sensible supper, and wait for that phone call from your agency saying you had a coffee break when you we're supposed to be in front of the camera (you had your coffee while everyone was stuffing their face).

Cheque, please.


  1. This is exactly why you can survive this rotten business.

    I so admire your incredible discipline, stunning maturity and grace in the face of the constant expectations of perfection that are thrust upon you daily. Those who think modelling is an easy & glamorous job would crumble under this kind of pressure.

    You rock.

  2. ohh my baby!! i would have chosen pizza hut and taken off all the cheese!! heheehe
