Wednesday, January 21, 2009

much too fast.

sun peeking out from bamboo leaves.
macdonald's breakfast before sleep.
shrines on sunday morning.
split lip.
unopened wine (always waiting for the perfect occasion).
holes in our pockets + being able to afford one thing from the 100 yen store.
famous restaurants (where's Uma?!).
ten dollar strawberries and strawberry milk.
literally lost in translation.
drunk kareoke with your managers = priceless.
plum liquor with soda water.
dancing in illegal clubs. dancing behind movie screens. dancing until you twist your ankle again. drunken traditional japanese slippers.
sun tanning in the middle of the street (watch your legs).
japanese police until seven in the morning.
green glow bracelet.
lost cardigan + ruined fedora.
pink roses in mineral water.
the most expensive shoes in the rain.
''i want to be in love''.
bloody knuckles (the real kind).
an obsession with royal milk tea.
red paper lanterns.
never borrowing anything again.
ten different room keys and five am phone calls.

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