Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dear Tokyo;

How on earth do you expect me to live off 60 bucks a week, when the brussel sprouts are nearly seven, the strawberries are twelve, and the mangoes are fifteen? I have been hustling out of my ass. Going into fancy grocery stores and stealing samples. Stealing Splenda by the handful from Starbucks. Re-using tea bags. I thought being called a hustler was kind of fucking cool. But now, after actually having to hustle, it's not as much fun as I thought it would be.

It doesn't help that every other store is a painfully amazing bakery. I experience on your streets, over and over; bakery, starbucks, convenience store, another bakery, health food store, restaurant. How do all of these places stay in business with so much competition around? How is everyone not painstakingly obese in your country? Sharing the cheapest thing at the grocery store today with Rianne (a 3 dollar pack of dried peas), the people in front of us had spent nearly a hundred dollars on a couple day's worth of groceries. Incredible. No wonder everyone works until eleven at night here. I thought Paris was expensive - but this is really horrific.

I'm on hold for three jobs, and they told me if I don't get one of them, they're sending me home. I hope everyone who reads this prays for me, because I've got some unfinished business with you, Tokyo. As soon as I get my shit together when I come back home, I'm going to New York. Fuck this shit. Fuck catalogue castings, fuck everyone who look exactly the same, fuck all of you cookie cutters. If people here can't understand a different kind of beauty (or brains, for that matter), then I'm not wasting any more of my time trying to convince them.
Fuck you, Tokyo. Thanks for taking all of my money in order to survive, thanks for tempting me to every extreme I can possibly think of.
No one likes you anyway.


  1. at least you worked, girl.
    i hate this. new york better make it up to me.

  2. That's kinda not true, you angry little bird. Tokyo is beautiful to me...
