A different kind of appreciation.
Tofu and egg whites, apples and banana's.
''Only one addiction, at most, is acceptable. And, you already have an addiction to tabacco.''
Three-to-a-double-bed movie nights.
Try anything and I will beat your ass, Ocean Moon.
The wrong kind of charisma.
All the Nike high-tops every hipster would kill for (in one city).
Nearly expired Chanel perfume.
Capsule (s).
A country where a bottle of wine is more expensive than a 40 of Jack Daniels.
Why would the Red Hot Chili Peppers come to this place?
The best triangles I've ever had.
The only thing I'm getting from this is your clothes.
Fourteen year old getting in trouble for hitting puberty.
Fifteen year old russians on ecstacy, gnawing their fucking bottom lip off.
Sixteen year old brazillians sniffing all day, every day.
Seventeen year old deer in the headlights.
Eighteen year old alcoholic.
Nineteen and finally starting to get it.
Twenty year old hustlers.